Not a load of rubbish

Attempting to live a whole month without contributing any waste to a landfill site.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Climbing the plastic mountain

I’ve been laying low for the last week because I feel defeated by this experiment.

But now I am feeling optimistic. If I am creative in my recycling, I can use up all this stuff I’ve been hoarding.

How can I recycle this? are experts in this field.

My favourite examples of innovative recycling are shredded court papers being used by a horse with a straw allergy and a Ghanaian architect’s rubbish home (see picture).

My first project is to make a handbag out of my cotton rice bag. If it’s good I could even sell it on Ebay. I’ll let you know how I get on. In the mean time, I want to know what you have made out of rubbish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bristol has a very good leaflet telling you what can be done with all the packaging you get from shop - ideas for re-using as well as disposing of properly.

11:41 am GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it help if other people joined in?

Perhaps something like En-Form's Eco Teams which " a small group of households (usually 6-8), who meet monthly for 4 months (usually in their own homes) and commit to monitoring their habits with regard to waste, energy, water, transport and shopping." would keep you motivated.

12:08 pm GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would like to offer you some support...I have been fortunate enough to move to a council flat, where I am not only ALLOWED, but even ENCOURAGED, to recycle! I was rehoused by my local council because when they supplied me with a free compost bin at my previous accommodation, THE LANDLADY STARTED A CAMPAIGN OF HARRASSMENT AND REFUSED TO ALLOW ME TO RECYCLE!!!!
I have fortunately moved away from there, but I hope the council prosecutes her for crimes against the environment!!

5:07 pm GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning

We’re running an unbranded video campaign, highlighting the adverse effects of climate change on British wildlife, and would be interested in buying some advertising or advertorial space on your blog. Sorry- couldn’t see where to get in touch.

Best regards,

Yvonne Smeets

11:47 am GMT+1  
Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

I make loads of things out of rubbish - bookmarks, Christmas cards, giftwrap, desk tidies, postcards, purses. None good enough to sell on E=bay or Etsy but there you go, its a start

4:44 pm GMT+1  

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